Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Years Progress

Im back from my New Year break, and have made a little more progress on the Tangara. It really feels like it is starting to come together.

I spent a lot of time during the holidays on the interior ceiling, particularly in the vestibule area where it joins with the upper deck. Its more like the real thing now, and less polys too. I basically did one corner and then flipped it around to join both halves, and then flipped the whole thing once again, for the vestibule at the other end.

I moved a few other bits around. The windows are now at their proper 425mm offset from the center line, and everything seems to line up with the template, but even so, there are still bits that dont look balanced. I'll work on those some more later.

I added the drivers control console, and guards seating to the cab, tidied up the skirt a little - the cutout for the train stop trip is now only on the left side, like it should be. (Updated since the pic).

Finally, Ive started on the underside. This has to be there before I can start on the gangway, so I may as well do it now. Underside you say?? Ive had enough derailments in Trainz to know that yes, you will eventually see the underside. (Tangara's have been known to derail and roll over). Nothing special here (nor on the prototype), but it needs to be done. There will be a little detail to look at but not much.

As I get bored on the bigger jobs, Im doing a little bit of detailing every now and then. It shouldnt be long before I start on the upper deck and seating, and maybe a few handrails.

I also managed to find a specification document for the new OSC (Outer Suburban) trains on the net, and it contained a wealth of background information. Despite looking like a milenium train, the performance benchmark for most of the specification is the Tangara, presumably because Cityrail has had a lot of problems with the bugs (Milenium trains are often refered to as Milenium Bugs, or Bumblebees). Theres going to be some cool new features in these trains too.

Poly Count: 2100
File Version: 125
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