Here is the latest screenshot. Ive added the seats on both decks, done a little more detailing in the vestibule, and started on the bogies. You may just notice the wheels peeping out at the rear.
One thing I havnt done is textured any of this, so I may redo the seating to make things easier on myself (ie: texture one seat and replicate it). Its not that hard. Once I had the first row of seats, the rest took about 15 minutes to get into the right places.
The vestibule now has the dividing panels between the seating and the doors. You can see it in the picture (if only I knew how to get blogger to not shrink the image so much when posting with picassa... I may fiddle with that later). I still have to add the glass to the panels, but that will come when I do all of the windows. Since I have been avoiding texturing, and need to texture the glass to make it transparent, I will probably be doing that last.
The wheels that you can see are temporary, and are only there so that I can scale the bogie visually. Im not quite sure of the Tangara's wheel diameter. I do know that an 86 class loco has a wheel diameter of 1250mm, but some quick math and the knowledge that the floor level above the wheels is at 1.2m, tells me that this is way too big for the Tangara. the wheels in the picture have a diameter of 914mm and I will probably be using those in the finished model, since they look about right.
As per the prototype, the bogies are hidden away under the skirt. If you want to see them, you're just going to have to wait until I release it, and set yourself up to have a derailment - thats fair, because thats pretty much the only way I have been able to see them too. If Tangaras didnt derail, I wouldnt have any reference material. I found several photographs on the net of the Concord and Kingsgrove derailments, including a few close up pictures of the bogies as the carriages were being loaded on to low-loaders to be removed by road.
Which reminds me... I may be able to get some specs, such as wheel diameter from the Waterfall Inquiry report. If anyone knows where I can find a copy of the
Interim report, please let me know. I have the
final report, but it lacks some earlier detail which was in the interim report. Unfortunately the Inquiry web site seems to be gone, and the links on the Cityrail pages lead to a 404 error. Ive been looking for the Interim report for some time.
Other News
I have been having a little bit of success with the development of a new Redfern Workshopz web site. There is still a long way to go, and some modules dont work properly yet, but should be working soon. Ive tried three different versions of the software so far, and currently the latest bleeding edge code from the CVS repository seems to be the only version giving me any joy. I wonder how long that will last, before someone breaks it (as often happens with development code).
As usual, Ive been quiet lately, but Ive been busy. Ive been evaluating CAD (Computer Aided Design) software, and think I have found one that is suitable for my needs. I hope to use it to create detailed drawings of various NSW Rail related things (locomotives, EMUs, Buildings), specifically for 3D modellers (if I can find the time). I know that sources already exist for these kind of drawings, but so far I have found many of them lacking a few critical dimensions. I hope to go into a bit more detail. The drawings would be for sale on the new web site (at a small cost to cover my time) along with any payware models that I might create in the future.
This Sunday, (the 12th) Im catching the special
3801 Limited tour train (diesel hauled) which will be visiting a lot of sidings and goods yards around Sydney. Ive already been through Enfield, but Im looking forward to visiting Rozelle Yard, Lavender Bay (behind Luna Park) and Port Botany Yard. W00t! I just hope I can get up early enough!
The following Sunday, (19th) there is another tour which is being hauled by an 86 class electric locomotive. I wont be catching that one, but I will be out to photograph it. You'll probably find me at Milsons Point station in the middle of the day since the train will be crossing the bridge on its way from Kiama to Newcastle. Later I'll be at Central when it arrives at the end of the tour.
Lets se what kind of trouble the rent-a-cops can give me on that day :)
Current Tangara Stats:
File version: 167
Poly Count: 5100