With the withdrawl of the 86 class, this is now the last working passenger train hauled by these locomotives. The previous "last train" was also a special tour, hauled by 8646 for SETS just after the 86 class was decomissioned (8646 was on loan from Pacific National at the time).
This latest train was hauled by 8644, which surprised me a little. I was expecting to see 8606, owned by SETS, or 8646, now owned by ARTM, but 8644 is one of the four Silverton locomotives that are currently parked at Eveleigh. I have mentioned these, and posted a photo here before. Im guessing that 8644 was the lucky one as it was the last to be parked there, and so was the easiest to get out.
I took a few photos as the train came over the bridge, and also as it went through the station. It was completely full. Despite my interest in the 86 class, I decided not to be on this train since you dont really get much of a view of the locomotive from the passenger cars behind it, but that didnt seem to deter these passengers. Quite a number of them were packed into the small paltform area at the rear of GMS1, the last car of the train. This car is on loan to 3801Ltd, and is obviously very popular (see their site for more details about GMS1),
The photos that I took are still being developed, however my wife came along and so I got her to take a few snaps with her digital camera. I'll add one of those to this post, just as soon as she has finished watching Desperate Housewives on DVD. :)
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