To answer Ben's question in a previous comment, you will find that the features and versions of the Tangara have been discussed earlier in this blog. (check the archives). I dont really expect people to be familiar with every word I write here, but I also dont want to repeat myself too often. You will also find a clue in my project list to the right.
To address Allans concern at my not having updated the blog in two weeks, sometimes it happens. Im finding modelling a little tough at the moment, slogging through strange problems that really shouldnt happen. For example, I have two buffer models, the only difference between them is the presence of a light on one of them (shown in the last post). One buffer model displays its textures correctly in Trainz (the one with the light) but the other doesnt. Im also still thinking about some Tangara issues, which I would like to have resolved in my mind before I continue, and then there is real life. For example, this weekend was basically a write off - a HET Workday on Saturday (I generally go once per month), and a family BBQ on the Sunday left little time for modelling, but I did manage to squeeze in an hour or two here and there.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have been very slowly piecing together the interior of the 86 Class from a couple of photos. Thanks to Robbo for one of those. The interior is still a bit blocky, but I am refining the detail and merging seperate objects together as I go. I really need some shots of the observers side of the cab, though I can fake it from the plans I have. I'd also like a shot of the Master Controller (preferrably with the reverser handle present) looking from the drivers perspective (from the seat or through the drivers side window).
Im still gathering resources, and have just obtained 5 selected backissues of Motive Power, with around 10 or so back issues of Under The Wires still to come, as well as the actual 86 Class operating manuals, which I ordered today. Im also expecting some photos from another HET member who I met on Saturday, so hopefully I will have the cab covered soon.
I cut out the cab doors from the exterior, and then spent some time cleaning up the mess made by the boolean cutting tool. I just about have the exterior back the way it was, but still have to tweak the door and window cut outs a little.
Ive spent some time thinking about the cab script. If you know the 86 Class, you will know that the throttle is not as simple as the standard 8-notches of varying speed as found in many Trainz models. The 86 Class has 5 notches and a complex procedure that must be followed using just 3 of those notches to "notch-in" and "notch-out" resistances which control the amount of power delivered to the DC motors. I believe I can write a script to emulate that, for a realistic driving experience.
I realised recently that I have not yet decided if this will be freeware or payware. I will make that decision soon. Given that extra attention will be paid to the details, since it is my favourite loco, plus the additional scripting to make it drive like an 86 Class, and the cost of research material so far, it is likely that it will be payware, but I will keep everyone posted here.
File Version: 58
Poly count: 5824
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