I did manage to do a bit of work in Gmax, and it was mainly on the 86 Class, with a little tweaking of the Tangara. Ive been peaking into Tangara cabs lately and have noticed a couple of things that I didnt see before, so these have been added. I'll get to skinning it soon, and will post a Tangara update when I have something new to report.
On the 86 Class, I have continued to work on the cab, and have detailed the left and right walls. There has also been a bit of tweaking of the dash / console area and the master controller, and the floor has been raised. If you're familiar with an 86 Class cab, you should recognise the picture above, thanks to the excellent photos that I have been working from.
The back wall will be next and shouldnt take long as there is not much detail there - just the AC controls, a fridge, an extinguisher, and a door handle. The rest can be done on the textures. I threw the plans out the window for a while, and just worked from photos, but as I began to figure out how everything fits, I realised that the plan was pretty close, and it was my floor that was wrong. Once I raised the floor, everything started to align properly again. (This is a different alignment problem from the one I mentioned earlier).
I recieved the back issues of Under The Wires that I had ordered, and these have some helpfull articles. Unfortunately one of the operating manuals that I ordered was out of stock, and I already have a PDF version of the one which did arrive. I had been looking forward to the missing one, as I was hoping that it might give me a bit more detail on the master controller. Hopefully I can get what I need from other sources. (I'll try the Railpage forums when I need to).
I deleted some duplicated parts, which dropped the poly count a bit. The count below is half of the loco, so double it for the whole thing.
File Version: 69
Poly count: 4300

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