Well here it is, the first post.
I decided to document my experience with
Trainz Railroad Simulator. (or
Railway Simulator for those of us outside of the United states, like me). I have the new 2006 version, though the link above points to the 2004 version, simply because their 2006 website isnt much to look at yet.
Lets go back a step. I created this blog weeks ago. It was originally going to be a place to put a few thoughts about a lot of crazy stuff that goes on around me. I had heard the phrase "
Out where the busses dont run", meaning crazy or out of your mind (Im too embarrassed to admit where [Miami Vice]*cough*) and it stuck with me. I thought it was a great way to describe someone who was really "öut there" crazy.
I didnt do much with the blog, so, when looking for somewhere to put a few "progress" updates for the Trainz projects I am working on, I thought "No Busses" would be appropriate.
[Edit: Since this post, the blog name has been changed to Redfern Workshopz]So... Lets be honest. A month or two ago, I was cruising my favourite BitTorrent sites, looking for a few of my favourite TV shows, since I refuse to be a slave to commercial TV's scheduling, and found TRS2006. I thought, hmmm this looks interesting, so I downloaded it, installed it, and took it for a spin.
I was blown away!!
First up, I must thank Natvander, Davido, and the Cardiff Workshops guys for their Wadalbavale branch line. That, above anything else was what impressed me so much about this software. They have done a ton of work in the Trainz community, and have created a lot of custom "Aussie" content and textures which makes this module really look and feel like country New South Wales. Its as close to "being there" as you're gonna get on a 17in computer monitor.
I dont play a lot of games or simulations - I have too many projects that Im constantly working on, but this one hooked me. A week later, I went out and bought it, and I have to say its not because the game's serial number is an integral part of the Download Station, but because I do buy the things I download and decide to keep. Im just tired of buying something and finding out that its not what I thought it was. Modern technology allows me to preview and make better selections. So discovering Trainz was a happy accident.
So anyway... why are you here? Its surely not to listen to me ramble. Of course, its for an update on my Trainz content... First, i'm gonna make you read some more...
So, who is this new guy, promising to deliver us a Tangara for Trainz, and why is he bothering since there are already a couple in the works?
Im a computer geek. I work in IT as a Performance Analyst. I find that I pick new things up fairly quickly - give me a technical manual for a piece of software, and I'll be running rings around it in no time. Trainz has such a manual. I love building things, whether its writing programs, or making 3D models - its like an obsession at times. I just have to add more and improve on it. At the same time, I often get distracted, or get interested in something else and leave things for a while before getting back to them, so don't hold your breath. Oooh. Shiny!
Why am I building a Tangara? Why not? I've downloaded and played with the available Sydney suburban trains and as noted by many, theres at least 2 missing - The Tangara's and the V Sets. There has been talk on the Trainz forums of building a Tangara for over a year now, and in true Cityrail fashon, it seems to be running late, so I did what any geek with a computer and an obsession would do. I started building one myself. I dont use the word obsession lightly. My wife and I have already had arguments over the amount of time I spend at my computer in Gmax or Trainz, and its only been a few weeks. We seem to have found a compromise and its been better recently.
So how far have I gotten? The answer is "Not very" - there is a steep learning curve, but its progressing. In order to satisfy all the "gimme's" out there, Im going to release it in pieces, using the Auran KUID versioning system. First you'll get your basic 4 car train, then it will be updated with passengers and other cool stuff, and then finally a real cab. Thats the plan, I may change it.
So, here it is. A bit disapointing, but if I can stop writing all of this garbage and get back into Gmax, it will get better. Enjoy: